Faux Hong Kong. This is the tippity top of Tagaytay HIghlands. The building at the back is a steak house on the second floor (imagine eating steak with an awesome view!), and a cable leading to the golf course to the bottom of the Club. Notice the fog. Fog means that my taking this shot is asking for too much. For all I care, this shot costs a thousand bucks! *makes not to self*
Thursday, July 22, 2004
Faux Hong Kong. This is the tippity top of Tagaytay HIghlands. The building at the back is a steak house on the second floor (imagine eating steak with an awesome view!), and a cable leading to the golf course to the bottom of the Club. Notice the fog. Fog means that my taking this shot is asking for too much. For all I care, this shot costs a thousand bucks! *makes not to self*
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